spam novel

spam novel


unsolicited, emailed writings sent to people I admire via the public wifi at a local bookstore. in compilation, the writings are meant to be thought of as a novel.



for sale_sale of rock

for sale_rock

what we say in the night
performance directive
this ain’t no favor

I’m hiring people to read to me while I perform various chores. I will pay people $8.13 more than the current hourly living wage rate for a single person for their services. 

Message me if interested in working for me in this capacity.

Please reference – “#thisaintnofavor” in the subject line. 


self portrait as an urs fischer installation

self portrait as an urs fischer installation

this is hardcore

this is hardcore

i will perform the song, “this is hardcore” by the band pulp while you ride in the backseat of my car as I drive. message me if interested.

cellular concert of person

celluar concert of person

found oursler

found oursler



sean ripple